Friday, March 19, 2010

Every end is a new begining...helps to remember that.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

The Toss of a Coin

When in doubt, always toss a coin; if you're disappointed with the result, then you've already made your decision...

Very apt I believe. It so happens that we often dont know our own minds but deep down we've never been surer. In a situation like this, all we really need is that crucial reassurance. It need not only be the toss of a coin (it's just symbolic of the fact that there is more than one side to pick), it can be a friendly advice or parental guidance to realize what we really want. As long as the decision rests at the back of the mind, it may or may not manifest itself into action, but the moment we are confronted with reality, we know exactly what to do. Basic biology actually: Fight OR Flight to sum it up neatly. So the big question of the day remains: how do we actually determine if this gut feeling is right or wrong? I dont think there is any test in the world which can actually measure human intuition, but I also know that more often than not it is this feeling of conviction which turns out be the right one and saves us from many a trouble. Too cut a long story short, all I'm saying is that when in a situation of indecisiveness, fall back on the age old nagging feeling at the back of your head which tells you what needs to be done. For believe me, if you let things continue without any interference, there will come a time when you come face to face with reality and regret not having made that crucial decision which could have changed it all. And regret is something that we could all very well live without. On that note I think I shall end this post. Will be back with more nonsense soon. Cheers!

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Sunday Mornings...

Though this post is titled 'Sunday Mornings', I will actually begin this cronicle from last night. A huge (and cheap!) dinner at a small but fabulous restuarant after a hard day's work is definitely the best thing that there is. I don't think I've ever seen a group of people enjoying themselves so much! The silence at the table was only punctuated by the calls for more naan or roti and business at the little place soared. Anyway, it was on the way back to the hostel after dinner that I realised how wonderful life actually is. I was thankful all over again for the amazing people that surround me, who will be there for me no matter what. The past few weeks (months actually), have been a very trying time for all of us. We have been through hell and back, but hearing the laughter and conversation flowing at the dinner table last night only went on to prove that we humans are made of sterner stuff as Shakespeare would say. Resilience is truly an admirable quality and the ability to bounce back after life has squashed you flat is something to be applauded. Anyway, getting back to the amazing sunday morning I've had so far. I woke up at the early (for me atleast!) hour of 9.30 am and tucked in to a full breakfast (again a rarity on a sunday!) and ever since then its been one lazy morning so far. I absolutely love these days. Everyone just going through the day at their own pace not really bothered by whats in store ahead. Its idyllic to say the least, and it's been so long since we've had such a good time on a Sunday, we just haven't had the time! Anyway, now I see that the lazy morning is slowly winding down and peole are heading for their baths and the loud conversations are fading so I think its time for me to wrap this up and get back to work as well. Till then, have an amazing day!